Pharaoh or Thief Ants

I'm sure you've seen those little dark brown ants in the house, either 1/16" or 1/8" inch long fellows. When you find them in the kitchen or some other room of the house, you need get some "Uncle Albert's Super Smart Ant Bait", some bait stations,  and follow the instructions. Whatever you do, stop killing the ants, let "Uncle Albert's Super Smart Ant Bait" do the job.  The forage ants will take the bait back to the colony and give it to the nursery ants to feed to the larvae.   This kills the larvae and causes the colony to keep the queen ant laying more eggs.   Eventually she will run out of eggs and the colony dies because they can't produce a new queen.   Many times, because of the size of the colony, and the amount of eggs the queen can produce, it takes six to eight weeks to eliminate a colony.   Don't be impatient, keep the bait available as long as the ants keep coming. Unfortunately I've been told by retailers that they can't get Uncle Albert's Super Smart Ant Bait anymore.

When you find these fellows living in the cracks of your walk or driveway, just pour chlorine bleach in the cracks. Not only will this kill the ants, but it will also kill the weeds.